Ohhh! What joy awaits us. That glistening star upon the horizon. It’s distant, and easily dismissed. One could walk a lifetime convinced it was just an illusion.
But tug at it my dear. Draw your finger across it’s field and you’ll feel it richer than at first. It stretches, and pulses, and sparks inside your heart.
For the longest time I placed such things in boxes in my brain. That belongs to ‘real’, this belongs to ‘imagined’. And yet as I researched and wrote my book on Joy, I discovered a primal truth…
That imagination is the golden key for living the life we desire.
It’s imperative for connection. For us to empathise, or realise a dream. To hold a belief that things can be better; first, we must imagine.
We get to play with what it looks like, what it feels like. And then bring it into form.
Yet the heartbreak is, from a young age most of us are shut down from our imaginings. We’re taught they’re not real, that there’s numbers and schedules and such. We’re taught they’re for children. We’re shamed and ridiculed for committing to ethereal visions.
I have never met a human without imagination wounds. Never. Not one.
I get it. For 39 years I carried the same scars, and committed to the concrete. I’d give myself reprieve by playing with archetypes and astrology, which were a tender gateway into the imagination, offering me an insight into other realms while still having a matter of function. They could still be theorised and intellectualised and be witnessed as ‘executive functioning’.
But when we prioritise free and uninhibited imagination, imagination with no purpose other than fun and to lighten one’s heart, this is where we find our feet really caressing the earth.
We become the architects of our own destiny. No longer are we bound to the algorithms of media, and society, and the paint-by-numbers life to which we’ve become accustomed.
We’re no longer looking for solutions from a place of lack, or scarcity. bombards us with.
Visions and ideas abundantly present themselves like sweetened fruit, ripe for our picking.
We can manifest from overflow, from the awareness of infinite possibility, infinite energy.
It’s a lux and eternal space. Where we’re no longer tethered to the laws of logic and increments for growth.
The imagination is not linear. It doesn’t adhere to step by step processes and ephemeral limits. If we stretch it in any direction, it all expands. The space that holds faeries and star magic, also holds great career ideas and insights into another person’s feelings. Einstein lived here.
I believe in it’s power so endlessly. I’ve witnessed it, reverently.
And I know intimately the reasons we don’t believe in our own capacity for imagination. I know why we block ourselves, and why we push it aside from our daily to-do lists, while we all crave a sense of magic in our lives.
From my experience and understanding that of others, I’ve curated a journey of curiosity and delight and delicate inquiry. It’s an exquisite, experiential series of explorations designed specifically for you to feel safe again in your imagination.
And it’s fun.
There’s a great emphasis on play, which is the active body of imagination. While the themes and it’s power are seismic, the work itself is light. Through play, the healing can burrow into our deepest crevices, alchemising shame and resistance, not merely fact-ing it further into hiding.
And when we’re done?
Well beloved, that’s all up to your brilliant imagination.
All I can tell you, is that our highest imagination will gift us exactly what we need to heal, to evolve, to progress towards our souls greatest incarnation. We could never logically map a journey as inspiring or enlightening as what our imagination will strike us with.
I do know that you’ll find yourself feeling deeper connection, deeper reverence, deeper experiences of love and joy.
I know that you’ll be able to look beyond the mundane and witness the exquisite majesty in every.single.thing.
I know that you’ll find yourself alive with ideas, struck with concepts that excite and delight you.
Inspiration as your resting state? Mmmm. Yes please.
Imagine, 7 luscious weeks of receiving playbooks devoted to your full living pleasure. Living in the extended realms of fun and delight. Shifting your gaze from the mortal and the mundane, and into the wild and technicolor, the exhibition of delight and deliciousness.
Our playdates include;
Chapter 1
The Unveiling
Creating a culture of safety for our imagination. Understanding the three core wounds that block imagination. What is real and what is imagined, and science/ philosophies to challenge our belief of ‘reality’.
Chapter 2
The Juice
Curating an environment to excite imagination and ignite new neural connections. Navigating the somatic response to change. Utilising confirmation bias as your greatest ally.
Chapter 3
Honouring the vibration of every single atom. Offering human qualities to ‘things’. Increasing connection with our world through animation. Understanding resonance and attunement.
Chapter 4
Archetypes and Symbology
Understanding symbols in your world and how to work with them. Recognising archetypes as a conduit for connection to all, each holding shadow and light. The reciprocity of imagination and connection. Harnessing intuition for meaning.
Chapter 5
Yin and Yang
Honouring the polarities and fluidity between. Creating structures that ignite spontaneous creativity. Dismantling the patriarchy (distinct from masculine). The potent mechanisms of creation. Making things Matter.
Chapter 6
Living in full bodied awareness of magic. Expanding the senses beyond what we’ve been taught. Honouring the magnificence of the senses and their capacity for euphoria.
Chapter 7
The Living Myth
Stepping into the legend of your own life. The seamless dance between imagination and embodiment. Crafting the meaning of your hero’s journey. The Magnum Opus and four stages of alchemy. Fortifying connection to everything that matters.
Sound like your kind of magic, my love?
You can buy now within The Portal for only $267.